White water sports

Luz-Saint-Sauveur is a promise of adrenaline and great thrills. Its picturesque setting and its deep gorges crossed by the white waters of Gavarnie make the village a sensational place where you can practice unique activities.


Luz is an ideal base camp for canyoning, it is near to several sites (30min by car): Ossoue Canyon, Gloriettes Canyon or Héas Canyon.

Canyoning and safety
For the practice of canyoning on these sites, dams, water intakes and hydroelectric structures are located upstream. Before entering the canyons of Héas, Gloriettes and Ossoue, consult the Niv’Eau application (https://www.niv-eau.fr/#/) or the canyon answering machine (05 62 92 46 13) which will give you will advise if you can safely descend the canyon.


Luz is an ideal base camp for white water sports – plenty of fun on the Gave de Pau River. Enjoy a peaceful or exhilarating experience on the river, alone or with a guide for a few hours…


A variety of courses and beautiful locations are available for you to discover our 42 mountain lakes and our 300km of rivers.

Fishing in mountain lakes
Luz-Saint-Sauveur offers different sites where you can indulge in your favourite passion: fishing. Young or old, fly fishing or line fishing, in a lake or a river, you choose how you will catch the famous Pyrenean brown trout:

  • No kill zones
  • Fishing zone and taster courses for children (only in summer)
  • Fishing school and fishing guide book

Fishing map for sale at the tourist office (issued with the fishing guide book).

Fishing and safety
Be careful, hydroelectric power stations and dams are present in the valley. The water level can rise at any time, automatically and even in good weather.

Introduction to trout fishing site

Tourist information book
Tourist information book
Fishing guide 2024
Fishing guide 2024